Leading a sustainable future
ESG Strategic Plan 2021-2023
At AEDAS Homes, we want our ethical and sustainable performance and our impact on the communities in which we operate to be a sector benchmark. We have therefore drawn up an ambitious ESG Strategic Plan 2021-2023 that will carry on along the path of our previous CSR Plans, but in which we take our commitment one step further. This Plan is, moreover, aligned with the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals for 2030.
This Plan is, moreover, aligned with the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals for 2030.
The Strategic Plan is structured in three dimensions: Governance, Environmental and Social. These 3 dimensions comprise eight Courses of Action and within these there are 27 actions.

Our commitments for 2030
Benchmark in ESG: 75% of our stakeholders consider us a benchmark company in this matter.
Greenhouse-effect Gases: Neutralize 50% of our emissions.

Discover our sustainability simulator
See how much energy consumption you can save with your newly built home
Plan estratégico ESG
Líneas de actuación y acciones del plan ESG 2024-2026

AEDAS Homes ha sido una de las empresas reconocidas en la 20ª edición de los Premios ASPRIMA-SIMA 2023 impulsados por la Asociación de Promotores Inmobiliarios de Madrid (ASPRIMA) y Planner Exhibitions, en la categoría de ‘Empresa con mejor progreso ESG’.